Every year about this time I ask myself "Why do we live here, instead of somewhere further SOUTH?"
You would think that after a lifetime of busting ice, cursing snow, hauling hay, caring for livestock ( Goats, Horses, Cattle, Pigs etc. ) and fighting frost bite, I would have settled down in someplace with warm winters.
Didn't happen.
January is my blagh month. We only have one auction (household consignment) and it is cold outside.
I have been playing with some new soap scents and new recipes so I have stayed busy. We are testing a Salt Soap this month and trying to decide if we are going to add it to our line or not. Right now the jury is undecided. Some testers like it, some say it is OK, some are using it for a drawer freshener. (Attn: Drawer freshener crowd. I need you to use the soap and give me feedback. Please.)
I am also working on a new shaving soap recipe. I have been using our Goat Milk & Honey or our Beer soap to shave with but I wanted to make a better shaving soap. I will keep you posted on my progress.